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National Apprenticeship Week 2024

Unlocking skills for life ...


#NAW2024 #SkillsForLife #ApprenticeshipSuccess #CelebratingApprentices #BuildingFutureWorkforce

Are you a business owner looking to build a skilled workforce? Are you an individual seeking a rewarding career? Are you a training provider striving to deliver quality education? If yes, then National Apprenticeship Week 2024 is the perfect opportunity for you ...

The theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2024 is 'Skills For Life' highlights the long-term benefits of apprenticeships!

The theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2024 is 'Skills For Life' highlights the long-term benefits of apprenticeships!

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National Apprenticeship Week 2024 is scheduled to run between the 5th and 11th of February 2024 and will help you showcase the power of apprenticeships in shaping a skilled and prosperous future.

You can promote how you're helping the next generation into the workforce, and equipping them with the skills they need to build a worthwhile career and contribute towards the economy.

"Apprenticeships have been a vital part of the UK's education and skills landscape for centuries!"

Apprenticeships provide individuals with the opportunity to learn and earn simultaneously. They offer a unique combination of on-the-job training and classroom learning, making them an attractive option for both employers and apprentices. National Apprenticeship Week is a chance to celebrate the success of this model and inspire more individuals and businesses to take advantage of it.

Our very own Anna came to us as an apprentice. These are her own words:

''I started my apprenticeship in September 2022 and since then it has guided me through 6 of the ICAEW exams. I found that the courses have helped support my work, and vice versa. Things I learnt during my course I have been able to implement in my day-to-day job, which in turn has helped me further understand the topic and has benefitted me when it comes to the exams.

It has been difficult to try and balance work and studying, but the apprenticeship has helped me develop my time management skills as well as many other skills that contributed to my career development.''

The theme for NAW 2024, 'Skills For Life', highlights the long-term benefits of apprenticeships. Apprenticeships not only equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed for a specific job, but also develop transferable skills that stay with them for life.

This is especially important in today's rapidly changing job market, where adaptability and flexibility are key.

Until next time ...

Business Godparent

Would you like to know more?

If anything I've written in this blog post resonates with you and you'd like to discover more about National Apprenticeship Week 2024, it may be a great idea to call me on 01908 774320 and let's see how I can help you.

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#NAW2024 #SkillsForLife #ApprenticeshipSuccess #CelebratingApprentices #BuildingFutureWorkforce

About Roger Eddowes ...


Roger trained at Edward Thomas Peirson & Sons in Market Harborough before working at Hartwell & Co, followed by Chancery, as a partner. He started Essendon Accounts and Tax with Helen Beaumont in 2014 as a general practitioner with a hands-on approach.

Roger loves getting his hands dirty, working with emerging, small-to-medium and family businesses to ensure they receive the best possible accountancy advice. Roger utilises an extensive network of business contacts to leverage the best guidance and practical solutions.