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Whether you're a rapidly growing start-up or an established family run business, we have the skills, knowledge and understanding to support you.

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Uncovering the Surprising Reality of the UK's Tax Gap

Tax gap refers to the difference between the amount HMRC expects to collect and the amount received ...


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ICAEW Reports That UK Business Confidence Soars

The latest Business Confidence Monitor by the ICAEW has revealed a significant surge in business confidence across the UK ...

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British Business Bank Launches the Growth Guarantee Scheme

The COVID-19 pandemic had a devastating impact on businesses around the world, and the UK was no exception ...

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How to Avoid Discrimination During Recruitment

Discrimination in the workplace is a serious issue that can have damaging effects on both employees and employers ...

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The Role of the New Occupational Health Taskforce

The issue of in-work sickness has been a long-standing concern for both employers and employees ...

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The First 100 Days of the New Labour Government

With a comfortable victory in the election, The Labour Government have a clear mandate to implement their policies ...

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Rules for Reporting Salary Advances Relaxed

As the world of finance and accounting continues to evolve, so do the rules and regulations that govern it ...

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Labour's Legacy: A Look into the Future

As you walk down any street in the UK, you can't help but notice the buzz around the general election ...

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Understanding Dormant Companies

Dormant companies are common in the UK business landscape, with the number of dormant companies on the rise ...

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Election 2024: What Is Inflation And Why Is It Important?

Inflation is a term that is often thrown around during elections, but many may not fully understand what it means ...

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Election 2024: Political Rivals Make Tax Pledges

The 2024 election is just around the corner, and the political rivals are already making their moves to secure your vote ...


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Understanding GDP And How It Impacts The Economy

GDP is a measure of a country's economic output, and adds up the value of goods and services within its borders ...

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Navigating The Summer of Sport 2024

The summer of sport 2024 has a number of major events happening at the same time and it's going to be exciting ...

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Voluntary NIC Deadline extended To April 2025

The deadline for voluntary NIC from April 2006 up to April 2017 was originally set at the 5th of April 2023 ...

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Election 2024: A Chance to Restore UK Resilience?

The country has faced a tumultuous few years, what with Brexit, the COVID-19 pandemic and the cost of living crisis ...

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Use HMRC's Real-Time CGT Service to Report Cryptoasset Gains

Are you a UK resident who has made gains on cryptoassets? If so, you may be wondering how to report these gains ...

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The Tax Treatment of Training for Sole Traders

You are responsible for all aspects of your business, including staying updated with advancements in your trade ...

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How Unfair Tax Thresholds Impact Almost Everyone

Tax thresholds are a necessary part of the UK's tax system, but they can also create unintended consequences ...

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A Decline In Health For Half Of UK Business Owners

The dream of running a successful business is often romanticised, but the reality is far from glamorous ...

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All About Digital Identity Verification

E-commerce, social media, and other digital platforms mean our personal details are shared and stored online ...

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How A Labour Government Could Affect Investors

As we gear up for a potential change in government, investors are thinking about the impact of a Labour victory ...