Plan Your Staff Rewards For Christmas

Employers often wonder how they can show gratitude to their workers for all the effort they put in. Christmas is the perfect time to do that, and if you fail to plan for it, then it could damage your staff retention ...

I've often been asked this question and have given various suggestions to my clients over the years, so here are the top 10 ways I think you can show gratitude to your workers:

- Firstly, remember that not everyone celebrates Christmas. There are diverse beliefs in the United Kingdom, so be mindful of how you pitch and brand both your celebrations and rewards. Don't undermine or ignore anyone's belief system.

Start early and get your planning underway with plenty of time to spare. If you wait until December, then you'll struggle to find a venue that isn't fully booked. You need to start booking in July or August at the latest and consider the size of the venue compared to the size of your workforce. Once booked, remember to tell your workers to 'save the date'.

Set down rules for the Christmas party. The culture of heavy drinking and photocopier pranks is outdated, so set the scene, and ensure everyone relaxes and enjoys themselves. Maybe have a separate family-friendly event during the day or make the focus about a shared activity instead.

Personalise your rewards by ensuring your line managers make contact with each of their team members to thank them. The smaller the business, then the more personal you can make it, but everyone needs to feel appreciated.

Give them a bit of slack by allowing an extra half-day off for shopping. Obviously, this is dependent on workload, but it's a quick win for most employers.

Be mindful of tax repercussions when offering a Christmas gift or financial bonus. As an accountant, I do warn my clients about this (I have blogged about it before) and I try to ensure they are aware of how the tax system works when it comes to Christmas gifts and bonuses.

Remember that for some, Christmas can be difficult. Loved ones may have died that year, relationships may have ended, and beloved pets may have been lost. Pay extra attention to those employees who need it the most and ensure any well-being support you arrange is well-publicised.

If your business is booming, pass on the good fortune! It was your workers that got you there after all. Generosity pays off with staff loyalty so don't be a Scrooge this year.

Act professionally at your events. You never know when you could be disciplining one of your workers and that's more difficult to do if you were the life and soul of the party because it will be remembered. Act friendly and approachable, but don't do anything that will need you to perform the Walk of Shame the next morning.

And finally, tell them how much you appreciate them. At any Christmas event, it is appropriate for the boss to make a speech. Keep it short and to the point, but make sure that everyone in the room feels personally valued and an important member of your team.

But what if your business is struggling and you can't afford lavish parties and massive financial bonuses? Well, you still need to be grateful, and you still need to personally thank each and every one of your workers. Make sure you have a plan for the New Year to get your business out of the doldrums so you can have a fabulous Christmas next year.

Gratitude really does go a long way.

If you feel inspired to find out more about anything I've said here, do call me on 01908 774320 or leave a comment below and I'll be in touch as soon as I can.