Liz Truss: Our New Prime Minister

We now have a new prime minister, Liz Truss. The baton of PM has been handed over three times in the last six years and I don't envy Mrs Truss at this difficult time. But do we know her and what direction she will take us?

She campaigned as a Liberal Democrat in her university days, in 1994 she spoke in favour of abolishing the monarchy, originally voted against Brexit and it's said she joined her mother on marches protesting against nuclear weapons.

"She doesn't sound like a true blue!"

But she has worked as an economist, and she may have inherited her father's mathematical skills (he is a maths professor) so finances may be her thing, and we need someone who can get a grip on the financial situation. She may even turn to her husband who is an accountant.

As the media keeps reporting, her inbox is overflowing with issues ranging from soaring energy prices, rising inflation and interest rates, workers striking, the NHS struggling to cope, climate change, and Mr Putin's antics to name a few. I am at least comforted somewhat that although we don't know much about her, she has spent 10 years around the cabinet table gaining experience.

It does appear with her unconventional path to becoming a Conservative Prime Minster she has the ability to change and adapt. This country is going through a turbulent patch at the moment and so that skill will be just as important to her mathematical skills.

I just hope that with the overflowing inbox that the small businesses aren't forgotten, and we are looked after too!

After all, we employ 60% of the UK workforce and account for 50% of the UK's private sector income. If we thrive the UK will thrive. As I keep reiterating, we need to continue to support each other, it can be lonely at the top, so do make use of the Essendon network.

If you feel inspired to find out more about anything I've said here, do call me on 01908 774320 or leave a comment below and I'll be in touch as soon as I can.